Please join us for the first annual Piccadilly Quarter Auction & Brunch, hosted by The Lincoln Event Space to benefit The Ottawa Main Street Association. Doors open at 9 am and the event starts at 10 am on May 4, 2024.

Break out the Mint Juleps and the big hats because this year’s theme is the Kentucky Derby! Perfect for dressing up and going all out for a little fun.The Kentucky Derby Piccadilly Brunch and Auction includes a delicious meal, a wonderful atmosphere, games, and the live Piccadilly Auction, which is played by bidding with quarters on items donated by local and regional businesses.

Each auction item has a bid price ranging from 25 cents to $4.00. When you want to bid on an item, put your quarters in the bucket on the table and hold up your bidding number. Winning numbers are drawn Bingo-style, making it a fun, interactive evening. Don't forget to bring your quarters! We will have a bank on hand but bring what you can.

You won't want to miss this fun event in the newly renovated Lincoln Event Space in downtown Ottawa. It is the perfect backdrop for some fun and we would love to have you join us in supporting The Ottawa Main Street Association

The Lincoln Event Spact

122 E 2nd St., Ottawa, KS 66067
May 04, 2024
9:00 PM CDT to 12:00 PM CDT